Friday, December 19, 2014

The Ballad of Bookie Joe


by Mike Byrne

I died last night at ten o’clock
The Knicks just scored a basket
My sister switched to Channel four
And phoned up for a casket.

Since then I’ve hung around a bit
Not sure of where to go
And now and then I gaze upon
The corpse of Bookie Joe.

Sure they knew me as the bookie
But none dare say it loud
Afraid the Feds might wiretap
Or infiltrate our crowd.

I used to go from bar to bar
Accepting two buck bets
From widows and retirees
And proud disabled Vets.

I gave them what they wanted
The chance to make it big
But they were fools and so was I
You just can’t beat the vig.

Ah those days, those halcyon days,
The zebras had control
They’d call time out or throw a flag
To beat you by a goal.

The funeral was a quiet one
We had it in the house
And everyone I know showed up
Except O’Brien, the louse.

There soon began to trickle in
Much to my amaze
The crowd from Golden’s Daffodil
Where I had plied my trade.

And then they came from Erin’s Rest
And more from Pub MaHone
I was a bit beside myself
Whoever would have known?

There’s Bill, he bet six twenty one
For twenty-seven years
The day he quit it came right in
You still can see the tears.

And Rose, she’d bet her welfare check
Life treated her unkind
She’d not remember what she bet
But claim I robbed her blind.

I gave them what they wanted
The chance to make it big
But they were fools and so was I
You just can’t beat the vig.

Ah those days, those halcyon days
The zebras had control
They’d call time out or throw a flag
To beat you by a goal.

Now as I look about me
And wonder where I’ll go
I see my friends surround me
All sad to see me so.

I think I lived a good life
Tho’ a bit outside the law
I hope the Lord considers
T’was just a minor flaw.

"A little shack in heaven
A view of Sheepshead Bay
Is what you’re getting, Joseph."
I hear an angel say.

"We haven’t got a bookie here
They want to try their luck
Playing harps is not for them
Their church hymns really suck.

They want to cheer and holler
When horses thunder past
Or baseball players hit grand slams
With two outs in the last.

The Lord don’t understand them
And so we’ve come to you
They’re organizing unions
We don’t know what to do."

I fully understand them, Gabe.
I understand their game.
I need the odds from Vegas though
To quench their burning flame.

And get me Tony’s Tip Sheet
With the line for the NFL
And promise if I pull this off
I won’t end up in hell.

Gabe gave me what I wanted.
I’m booking bets again.
The beer is flowing freely
Hey, there’s my old friend Ben

The TV picture at the bar
Settles with a smack
As Ben backs down the ladder
From giving it a whack.

Folks come for take-out pizza
They’ve got a jukebox too
The waiter tells me, Joseph,
I’ve got something nice for you.

A steaming plate of gnocci
Is waiting at my table
My mouth begins to water
 I’m living in a fable.

A dish of pulpo from the grill
A glass of silver wine
A finger bowl, a salad
This really is divine.

I now have what I wanted
I’ve finally made it big
Yes, I’m the only Joe I know
To ever beat the vig.

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