Friday, June 8, 2018

A Sailor of Austria by John Biggins

I began reading "A Sailor of Austria" last night.  It's dictated by this guy who's 100 years and six months old, and he's in a nursing home run by nuns in England.  The Queen sends a personal letter to everyone who lives to be 100.  But not to this guy, because he doesn't have his birth certificate.

He fought in both world wars, commanding submarines, and did all sorts of interesting stuff over his life.  But no birth certificate?  No letter from the Queen.

He asks his doctor to give him his death certificate in advance so he will have some proof that he exists.

It struck a chord with me.  I've had tons of problems related to my birth certificate over the years.  I still don't have an acceptable birth certificate even though I was born in the Bronx, NY a few years ago; so my Nevada drivers license is restricted...I can't board a plane or enter a government building.

My kind of book.

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